Sunday, April 15, 2012

Friday 13th April 2012 - Practice for the 150 year centenary march.

Earlier in the year Syliva (Buckpitt) and Lola (Hurst) were approached by the Moree 150 year Centenary Committee with an invitation to gather as many of the ex Moree Marching Girls as possible to participate in a celebration parade to be held on the 14th April 2012.

Syliva & Lola with the help of Sylvia's sister Marie managed to gather a group of thirty girls who showed interest in participating in the day.   This was not an easy task as the group had disbanded in 1968 and had scattered near and far.  Sylvia did a wonderful job handing the major work load including the making of the vests and hats for all of the girls.

Sylvia organised for all of us to meet for a practice session on Friday 13th April 2012 at Taylor Oval so that we could organise ourselves for the next day.  Given that none of us had done any marching in up to 40/50 years the results of the  practice session did not suggest or encourage that all would be well for the next day.

We met up at the Moree RSL in the evening to have dinner together and renew acquaintances.

We all had a wonderful evening and were all looking forward to the next day.

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