Sunday, April 15, 2012

Moree Marching Girls participating in the Moree 150 year centenary parade - Saturday 14th April 2012

Moree Marching Girls participating in the Moree 150 year centenary parade.

Moree Marching Girls disbanded in 1968 and scattered near and far.

The Moree Centenary Committee invited the ex marching girls to participate in this year's celebrations and we had response from approximately 30 girls.  The girls were drawn from all eras of the marching years and all but one participant was able to march the distance and in fact did it with ease in spite of advancing years.
That says something for the health benefit of precision marching in our youth!

Considering that we had not done any precision marching for some 40/50/60 odd years we did not do too badly.  After one brief practice we all fell right into step with the band.

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1 comment:

  1. Hello Jan, it's Karen Ellis from Marching Girls Facebook group. I have shared your photos and blog post on my group of over 1,000 members. Thank you for sharing the memories. And you all really did march well considering the time away from the sport.
